Terms & Conditions

On-Demand Office Access and Meeting Room Terms and Conditions

“Client” refers to the person/business reserving meeting rooms/services, and “PBC” refers to Palace Business Centres, it’s employees, affiliates, and vendors.

  • PBC agrees to provide to Client the facilities, services, equipment on PBC premises that Client may request from time to time and Client agrees to pay for the same in advance and in accordance with PBC current rates.
  • In addition to Client’s access and use of PBC’s facilities, PBC may provide Client, upon request, with additional services including but not limited to catering, support services, audio-visual aids and equipment, communications services, special furnishings, and any other services or equipment which is offered on PBC premises. PBC is the only service provider authorized to provide such services in PBC offices and facilities.
  • Client agrees to pay PBC in advance for room reservations. Add-on items will be charged separately to the same credit card at the conclusion of your reservation. All credit card transactions are processed via Stripe. All payment is due within 10 days of reservation date.
  • All Client payments to PBC must be made in United States currency by funds drawn on United States banks or by credit card. Returned checks and rejected credit cards will be subject to a fee of $25 per incident.
  • Client agrees to pay a 5% late fee on any outstanding balance which PBC receives later than the 10th of the month in which it is due. Further if Client fails to pay PBC before the 20th of the month in which a payment is due, Client agrees to pay interest charges at 1.25% per month until payment is received. PBC is not limited to just requiring and receiving from Client these interest and late payment charges and may resort to such remedies and actions as the law and/or this Agreement gives PBC. 
  • Client is responsible for payment of all applicable sales taxes and fees on the services received under this Agreement.
  • If Client disputes any portion of PBC charges, Client agrees to timely and fully pay to PBC the portion of PBC charges Client does not dispute; and Client further agree to advise PBC in writing, within 30 days after Client receives PBC’s invoice, of the portion of said bill Client disputes. If Client does not advise PBC in writing within this 30-day period that Client disputes all or some of PBC charges on said bill, Client will have waived their right to dispute PBC charges.
  • PBC may also provide Client with access to PBC common area amenities on the Premises along with PBC other Clients and visitors. Client agrees that for a period beginning with Client’s first use and ending one year after Client’s last use, neither Client nor Client’s representatives will solicit any of PBC or PBC’s other Clients to provide them any of the services PBC is able or available to provide.
  • Client agrees to use PBC offices, services, and facilities in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement for general office or meeting purposes only and Client may not use the premises to carry out any illegal activities in violation of law, PBC’s rules, or for any immoral, unlawful, or objectionable purposes.  Further, Client shall not use or permit the usage of any illegal drug or substance and shall not make or permit any unreasonable or unnecessary noises or odors in or upon the premises.  Client shall not commit any act or that may disturb the quiet enjoyment or cause unreasonable annoyance to any other occupants in the premises.
  • Client agrees that the on demand services requested under this Agreement do not include Client’s use of the premises in commerce or for deliveries including mail. For individual meetings, where materials must be delivered, they may be addressed to PBC with the Client’s name appended.
  • Client must take good care of and not damage, waste, or make any changes to the premises, offices, facilities, furnishings, or equipment. Client shall not alter, add, replace, remove, or damage any furnishings, equipment or other personal property located in, on or around the Premises which is not owned by Client or Client’s invitees. Clients are liable for any damage or loss caused by Client or Client’s invitees to the premises, offices, facilities, furnishings, or equipment. Client agrees to pay PBC reasonable repair/replacement costs and to notify PBC immediately upon discovery of such damage occurring.  Only PBC is authorized to make repairs to PBC property.
  • Clients have the risk of damage, loss, theft, or misappropriation with respect to any of Client’s personal property and/or the personal property of Client’s invitees. Client agrees to waive any right of recovery against PBC for any damage, loss, theft, or misappropriation of Client’s property.  All property within the Client’s licensed area as well as all common property in use by Client is understood to be under Client’s control.
  • PBC will endeavor to make available to Client those requested services and facilities during PBC regular business hours unless other arrangements have been confirmed by PBC to Client in writing. However, PBC will have no liability or obligation to Client under this Agreement if PBC is prevented from, or delayed in, performing PBC ‘s obligations under this Agreement or from carrying on PBC business by acts, events, omissions or accidents beyond PBC’s reasonable control, including (without limitation) strikes, failure of a utility service or transport network, act of God, war, riot, civil commotion, malicious damage, disease or quarantine restrictions compliance with any law or governmental order, rule, regulation or direction, accident, fire, flood, storm or default of suppliers or subcontractors.
  • PBC cannot guarantee the services or facilities provided to Client. PBC is not liable for any loss or damage (direct or consequential) resulting from PBC’s failure to properly provide a service, office access, or facility to Client. PBC also is not liable, in any way for any failure under PBC’s control until Client has told PBC about it in writing and have given PBC a reasonable time to correct that failure. PBC’s only obligation to Client for any failure to render any service under PBC’s control, or for error or omission by PBC, or for any delay or interruption of service under PBC’s control, is to make an adjustment to Client’s bill in an amount equal to the charge for such service for the period during which the failure, delay or interruption continues.
  • PBC and/or PBC’s landlord are not liable to Client, or to anyone Client invites or permits into PBC offices or areas, for any injury (including death), loss or damage resulting from the actions or omissions of PBC employees, clients, their guests, or anyone else, or resulting from any condition or failure of the offices access, facilities and/or areas provided by PBC. Client waives all claims Client may come to have against PBC and/or PBC’s landlord for damage or loss to Client’s property arising from fire, theft, or other occurrences. However, Client may exercise Client’s lawful rights to the extent there has occurred willful misconduct or gross negligence by PBC or PBC’s employees while under PBC control, and such willful misconduct or gross negligence has caused Client injury, loss, or damages.
  • Client agrees to defend, reimburse and protect PBC, PBC’s officers, directors, employees, landlord, agents and affiliates (hereinafter called “PBC’ Group”) from and against all obligations, liabilities, claims, damages, costs and fees (including reasonable attorney’s fees) which may be imposed upon, or asserted against, PBC’s Group because of Client’s actions or omissions or those of Client’s employees, agents, representatives, contractors, visitors or of those Client permits to occupy or use PBC’s services, offices, facilities and/or areas (called “Client’s Group”), or which arise out of Client’s failure to fully and timely pay, perform or comply with any provision or requirement contained in this Agreement.
  • Client will have breached this Agreement if Client does not fully and timely make the payments, perform the acts, and comply with the House Rules and requirements, for which Client are responsible under this Agreement. If a Client breaches this Agreement, PBC has the right to cease to provide to Client the designated services or facility access, as well as some or all of PBC other services. and to exclude Client, Client’s employees, agents, representatives, contractors, customers, and visitors from PBC premises. PBC’s termination of this Agreement under this paragraph does not end Client’s obligations to PBC. Client will still be liable to PBC for all unpaid and overdue fees for office access, facilities, and service applicable at the time of termination. All costs, expenses, losses, and damages, including legal costs and reasonable attorney’s fees, PBC suffers or incurs because of Client’s failure to fully and timely satisfy Client’s obligations under this Agreement, and/or in connection with PBC efforts to enforce Client’s satisfaction and/or compliance with these obligations.
  • This Agreement is the entire Agreement between Client and PBC; and it supersedes any and all previous Agreements, arrangements and understandings PBC may have had (if any). The laws of the state of Pennsylvania shall be used to resolve all disputes and to interpret this Agreement. Client and PBC agree to waive all rights to a trial by jury in all disputes. If a portion of this Agreement is determined to be invalid or unenforceable, that determination shall not affect the validity or enforceability of the other provisions.

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“I feel lucky to have an office at Palace Business Centres. My overhead is low and the business services are provided with accuracy and in a timely manner. The attractiveness of the lobby, suites, and meeting rooms provide a warm and comfortable atmosphere in which to do business. I absolutely love the view of Lake Erie from my office window.

~Harry L. Evanoff, CFP
Investment Advisor Representative; Erie, PA